Boston Marathon Where death cross the finish Line First.

And here once again shadows of death lure over USA Nationals and death come first to participants rather then finish line.
It’s almost the most tragic moment ever come to know as terrorism circling all nations around the world. With passage of days people are becoming insecure within their own residential areas.
And although it’s much worse situation as CIA totally unable to protect and tackle such situations second time. Their overall performance is also questionable, because they are totally unable to predict about such attacks.
But indeed it’s worse to suffer from such situation and create horror among people of entire USA.
Terrorist are unable to identify they could be Muslims (A known and defined shape of Terrorist) and North Korean as well and all those countries where USA conducting war.
Ever USA try to find out factors involving in such attacks? No they did not, they did not try to look over miserable situation after conducting war against terror in Iraq,Afganistan and other native countries.
They did not pay attention to all those emotional damages which bring fear and anger in same way for Americans. Relatively its worse to know and acknowledge but it’s a fact that war against terror promoting much terror to civilian as well.
And it’s not good so far to have a peace in your mind your cut others head and cultivate fire and arms underneath of other countries without respecting their deeds and feelings.
People are much aware now about other due to emergence of global virtual media and also have comprehensive knowledge about all international and national affairs as compare to past. Social media also bring ease to speak it out whatever an individual feel about other without hesitation. Social media also supporting revolutionary thoughts among people, especially in youth.
So it’s much better to get aware about all such thoughts and respect other nationals in same way as you deserve for yourself.
It’s all about humanity and peace, its all about making this world a heaven and a better living place for all nationals equally, because blood running out in all having same red color and terror bring same panic when blood shaded.

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