Are We Looking For a Ready Made Revolution ?

Yes, we are looking for a ready made and easy to use revolution, which should be imported from some where else. We want it but unable to do effort for it.
Yes we dream for it but we are unable to make it happen.
Yes it’s our big desire to have revolution within out country but it would be effortless.
We want revolution without wasting our time and leaving our homes and duties as we are the busiest nation in the world.
We were hoping that Dr.TAhir-Ul-Qadri should make it happen for us and turn our dreams of revolution into reality, same thought we have for Imran Khan.
But we have some question reaming to be answered first, well, weather we are ready for all this and being as a nation are able to adjust with changes?
Same as it’s also important to know that, at which social, economic and political level we can handle it.
Pakistan now a day is not a stable country, we are facing various internal and external issues and disparately facing terrorism as a front line friendly state of USA.
We have massive corruption shadows holding entire country and several issues as well.
Our political parties are not much concerned about issues of general public, and have no depth analysis about such problems. They are unable to provide or fulfill basic needs of general public.

And now after a long wait revolution knocked on our doors, brought by Dr.Tahir Ul Qadri, a person having Canadian Nationality and popular as a religious scholar and debater.
Dr Tahir-UL-Qadri wishes to bring change through a revolution like as Egypt and for said purpose he already makes a million marches towards Islamabad. It’s a big rumors that this whole march has been arranged by Establishment (Army and USA) and Tahir Ul Qadri has been supported by external non governmental forces.
Is it possible? And if it is possible then what should be his next step and how did this revolution take places. On other hand Dr Tahir-UL-Qadri having a duel Nationality and political parties highlighted it as a big issue.
As a public person i am also unable to make some clear perception about this revolution and some time got puzzled that weather Dr Tahir-UL-Qadri bring some change to this corrupt system are it would be the same thing as some people try earlier.
Revolution is not just a one day show and it did not take place within said time. Same as revolution did not have a described shape and hope so there will be no proper home work for that.
Revolution is based on true grounds and formulized through general public, as it’s a civilized way to gain personal rights within a state.
It’s also observed that revolution is a combined effort towards non ethical political factors which occupies civil rights of society.

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