Comments over a website could be Latvian Law

Surprisingly, social media is working as law activist as well. Rapid use of social websites like, google,facebook and twitter from last few years reshaping overall social and political scenarios of many nations.
Now a day a revolution can be brought by social media campaign. People around the world can easily rate political leaders over internet and pop up their voices easily.
It is obvious not a big deal to revolutionize mind set of society. People now days much familiar with international affairs and contributed well for their interests.
It is also known that social media fully re-engineering marketing (selling and buying) trends international. Facebook,Twitter and Google+ are not just social sites now, but they are also having worth to acquire local and international markets effectively.
As we all know that, being a citizen of any country it’s our burning desire to raise our voices to policy maker and its not as much as could be think. All of us suffer from many unwished laws enforced by our Govt. because we have less interaction with law makers and forecasters.
Surprisingly very first time got to know that, Latvian Govt. make a Website where people voices can be changed to law and got important. It’s indeed a new trend and would be appreciated by other countries as well.
It also bring a new vision provided by all nationals and all people from a country treated equally. It also helps local government to conduct proper social surveys before making and implementing any law.

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