Now a day’s social media is cultivating its
massive roots around the glob. People are much concerned about online
communities (Google+,Facebook,Twitter,etc).
With emergence of massive cellular industry
throughout the country it’s become easy to connect globally.
Pakistani public have less entertainment
available to them as there is no proper tourist and sports event
Increased ratios of online social movement
alarmed traditional social circles, and parents are becoming threatened about
their children wellness and educational interest.
youngsters from age 8 years to 20 years consumed their valued time (Education
or School timings as well), and their annual study reports also show lack of
interest for their studies.
With emergence of online social media people
have less time to walk through streets and visiting their relatives.
It’s commonly observed that majority of people
try to hide themselves with fake identity online.
On second part of this worse situation, people
have strong virtual relations instead off having real life relations from their
home town. They spent their time online w
ith chatting globally and consume less with their families. Traditional social bounds are fading with passing days. Same as late night sleeps and long hour’s mechanical interaction producing health hazards to these people such as increased stress, anxiety, fears, stomach disorders and metal illness.
Socially Pakistani community prefers to live as
a joint family structure and elders feel happy to being guide their youngsters.
But now situations and changing rapidly and youngsters want to be free to enjoy
their livings.
Social media also creating complications for
married people, as they are unable to represent full attention to their life
partner while attending online media. Same as they are unable to show full trust
to each other with such conditions and at last such relations got ended with
breakups. Due to such conditions divorce rates are increasing in Pakistan.
an alarming situation for Pakistani community, as they are unable to digest
this whole change which is against religious and ethical values of Pakistani
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