nation suffering from various internal and external threats, “Terrorism” is one
of most common crisis from last 2 decades. Terrorism is affecting overall image
of Pakistan
as a peaceful nation, this effect being highlighted on various international
forums as well.
and order situation is miserable in Pakistan from origin, as this law and order
department commonly used to stable personal and governmental lust, rather than
providing security to general public. Police department has been used by beaurocratic
and feudal type people which are just 2 to 3 % of general public. In rural
areas of Punjab “Wadeera and Choudhry” culture
still surviving with help of police.
per standardized communities of west and rest of the world police has to
protect people and governmental infrastructure, and make people feel secure
with their routine works. Police department also assigned to control crime
rates through out the country.
General task done by police are:
Controlling crimes
Providing security to public
To investigate crimes
Capturing criminals and make it sure that they
become civilized.
Being act as a bridge among public, government
and judiciary.
Also act as social mobilize among communities
and different religious groups.
To provide their services when called by
various political institutions.
are some common tasks assigned to police, but unfortunately in Pakistan
police department did not follow these rules, due to which people having fears.
Police personal are found to harsh general
public, they also being used by political leaders to make their strong hold on
their enemies. Police department is badly corrupted throughout the nation; they
have a bad repute for investigation methods. Police personals are less educated,
bad communication and zero social and behavioral ethic trainings.
the question is how this whole thing turned into good? And how police plays a
vital role to enforce social reforms among themselves?
This whole thing based on weather they want to
be changed or not, and if yes weather this change should be for short term or
long term?
a need to stabilize police department with standardized rules and regulations
adopted on all level within all police stations nation wide. Police department
should conduct social and ethical training sessions and make it compulsory that
all employees should attend these sessions.
Political emphasis should also be reduced, and
if any police personal found misconduct his official rights should be punished.
It’s also observed that there is no proper job punishment for violation of job
authorization, and mostly policeman given back to their job. So this concept
strong the sense of do sin and have sorry for it and repeat this until you got
of police personal should be on merit and new recruiters should be trained with
new technological equipments and also have forensics science education.
Socially police personal should be guided to
create harmonized atmosphere within the department and among public communities.
They should also guide to go out to public places to acknowledge social
behavior of people around them, and conduct surveys on individual and group
a fact that if law and order situation got better, Pakistani nation should be
on ease and may have schedule progress. With proper home work, internal and
external security threats also avoided, and terrorism culture can be minimized
with no time. But question is that, who
should make this happen? And how much time required completing this restructuring?
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