Paypal and Pakistan

During my journey to cyber world I found lot of people asking or searching for Paypal services in Pakistan.
Various kind of search questions and blog posts telling the story of people expectations for Paypal services in Pakistan.
I experience many type of questions online such as,

1-                  When did Paypal start it services in Pakistan?
2-                 How to make a verified Paypal account for Pakistan?
3-                 How to get verified through Paypal?
4-                 My Paypal account get limited, how to lift such limits?
5-                 Paypal alternatives available in Pakistan?
6-                 Why did Paypal not starting in Pakistan?
7-                 Paypal providing its services in India, but why not in Pakistan?

During last decade with emergence of telecommunication and rapid use of internet provide Pakistani youth an alternative way of earning online.
Internet is indeed an entertaining world and with passage of time and new business tactics become a greater marketing tool. Organizations now a day establishing their business online to facilitate their key customer globally. Now a days all kind of transactions (buying and selling) done online. And many companies providing commerce related services to both customers and organizations.
Pakistani youth is much interested to earn online, because due to non stability of political and economic situations of country they have limited resources available to them. Another reason to work online is freedom and fair earning they have in spite of their own country.

But on the other part of picture its become complicated to get rewarded what they do online.As Paypal is one of the major share holders providing its services from last decade to its customer and holding giant shares. Paypal also marked as a trusted way of transactions for both customers and merchants. On some working sites like Odesk,Freelancer and it is essential to get verified status by linking Paypal account.
This is very bitter condition for Pakistani online community, and they are trying continuously to raise their voice to policy maker of I find a lot of people asking Paypal to start their services for Pakistan and this is not for now but I read some four five year’s old posts for same cause.
Being a Pakistani it’s also my great desire that Paypal provide us with same services as they are providing our native country India without any social, geographical and religious discrimination. For this purpose I talked to Paypal spokesman on Facebook and highlight same issues as mentioned above. They are unable to satisfy me with any proper answer and unable to mention time limit for starting over here.
I read some where that Paypal hesitating to work in Pakistan due to bad banking system of Pakistan, but now a days banking system over here is much better as compare to past and many multinational commercial banks are working with same freedom as they are working in other parts of world. And its not a much big issue as Paypal can use some 3rd party contract to work in Pakistan and definitely there are lot of other ways to operate in Pakistan.
So it’s my humble request to Paypal authorities to consider our wishes and introduce their services for Pakistan. This will be a feeling of solidarity and equality from both sides and it also stop Pakistani residence to commit sins of cheating Paypal as well.

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  1. nice information in pakistan cash your paypal $$$ in few minuts and get verified paypal account in pakistan

  2. Hi this is nik smith Virtual Credit Card is a very good option Paypal In Pakistan for more click here


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