SMS, Short Text Messaging, from the day of its Invention.

Hey, Hi, Hello, I’m bz, Brb,Wait, Hold on a Second, Hangout, Got you, Have a date, Driving , Listening Music, and unlimited words are waiting your finger tips to have a smooth touch and convey your thoughts and activities to people around you.
“Merry Christmas” was the first text has been sent by Neil Papworth on 3rd December of year 1992,

So it was the 20th anniversary of “Short Text Messaging”. It’s a viral invention, and revival of new technology, which occupied all nations across the globe. People are well aware how to use messaging and its let them become more social and more concerned about their social circle. This invention makes everything change and affect all aspects of human living. With emergence of social network, and on-line media people looks crazy to have mobile phones, as it’s most convenient and powerful source to speak out.

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